Thank you very much for the opportunity to be part of this amazing event for the second year.
My iPhone artworks are a combination of photography, painting and digital manipulation. When photographing with my iPhone, I use a slow shutter technique, focussing on the energetic content that fills a space. In other words, I intuitively focus not on material mass but rather on the energy emanating from my subjects. Using apps, I paint on the photographs on my iPhone screen using my finger, and then use a variety of other apps to create further textures and blends. The figures in my artworks invite personal reflection.
A few words about my artwork “Transformation”
Many of us think we live in the Information age but we don’t. In the Information age we moved from the telegraph to the radio to the television to the personal computer to the world wide web. For the first time in history, we became the first self aware species in the known universe, who is interconnected to every other member of its species on a single planetary biosphere. With this came a huge sense of overload, accompanied by so many crises.
We have exited the Information Age, and in a time of massive chaos, have entered the Transformation age. We are seeing rapid technological advances and digital transformation.
Transformation, my artwork exhibited in this showcase, and viewable on my avatar thanks to custom avatar creator @Lisbet_Spatial, is an invitation. It is an invitation to live a transformational life. It is a call to value interactions with others with the same intensity that we seek to interact with the technological tools at our disposal. It is a call to go inward. It is a call to become discerning, mindful, sustainable and humble. To move beyond fear for your own life, to move beyond fear of that which is different, to move from looking at the other as an object to looking as the other and relating to them empathetically. If we are to survive, we will need to transform and expand our capacity to love.